Wominjeka – Welcome

I am so excited to be leading this community moving forward into 2022. Our buildings and grounds will be ready to welcome our new Year 7 students at the beginning of the year and our centre of learning will be complete. I want to build on the wonderful vision and work of the foundation staff of Dohertys Creek College.
As a community we will work together to bring to life our values of kindness, respect, teamwork, integrity and learning. They will not be just words we use but actions we take in order to ensure that our values underpin our behaviour.
“It takes a village to raise a child”– an old African proverb is the premise for our community. Together we all have a responsibility for the happiness, wellbeing and academic performance of our students. Together we will shape our inclusive environment to ensure that all children learn in a safe, stimulating and collaborative environment. This way we can foster children to become thinkers, compassionate citizens and global members of a larger world.
We are a community where families and carers are welcomed and involved. We are excited by the opportunity to work within a diverse community where that diversity is celebrated and enriches our everyday lives and learning. We are committed to cultural safety and want to ensure everyone feels safe to be themselves. Students are at the centre of all decisions and actions we make here at DCC and this drives our child friendly and inclusive school.
We are passionate about supporting and celebrating our First Nations people and their perspectives are embedded in our curriculum and identity at DCC. We also offer a Cultural Inclusion program that focusses on different elements of our Indigenous culture and history.
We are internationally minded. Second language learning is critical for our young people so they can be prepared as citizens of the third millennium. Our units of inquiry offer our students the opportunity to take action locally in order to understand global issues. We are building learning dispositions of motivation, perseverance, and curiosity. We encourage our students to feel passionate about the world and their place in it. We want them to make a positive impact. Our specialist program is extensive with Mandarin, Physical Education, Science, Kitchen Garden, STEM, Visual and Performing Arts being offered.
DCC is committed to high academic standards. Our core focus is on the teaching of Literacy and Numeracy. Students are active participants in their learning with individual goal setting a focus of our work. The continuous reporting of the progress and achievement of those goals is an opportunity for families to support their children throughout the process. We teach each child at their point of need. Our school teaches the students to be curious, critical and creative thinkers to problem-solve and show persistence. They will be technologically literate and able to work collaboratively and innovatively with others. We are committed to students experiencing an authentic education which allows them to see how to use their learning in real life contexts and creates pathways for them.
We are excited to extend our school into the secondary space in 2022. We have developed an exciting curriculum program and opportunities for the students to further develop their leadership and advocacy skills.
Our School motto is ‘Balit Yirramboi….strong tomorrow’. We are educating compassionate and creative students today to be strong, ethically active adults of tomorrow.
Our doors are always open. We look forward to discussing your child and our school with you.
Tami-Jo Richter