“If we want learners who can thrive in turbulent and complex times, apply thinking to new situations and change the world, then we must re-imagine learning.”
Fullan, Quinn & McEachen, Deep Learning
“If we want learners who can thrive in turbulent and complex times, apply thinking to new situations and change the world, then we must re-imagine learning.”
Fullan, Quinn & McEachen, Deep Learning
Inquiry at Dohertys Creek P-9 College is designed to foster deep learning that inspires and empowers our students as thinkers. We recognise that we live in a global society and we all have the ability to work collaboratively to contribute to the common good of our ever changing and complex world.
We believe that students flourish when they have immersive, hands-on learning experiences where they are the drivers of their learning. We identify individual strengths in each of our students and foster student learning that leverages student’s strengths, passion and interests. Teachers support their learning by building strong community partnerships, leveraging digital technologies, building authentic learning environments and drawing on a variety of professional pedagogical practices.
We aim to employ an inquiry approach across all areas of the curriculum to promote a sense of ownership for students of their learning. Our specific units of inquiry focus on Health, Civics & Citizenship, Economics & Business, Geography, History, Science, Design & Technologies, and Digital Technologies.
These units are taught over the course of the year and build from Foundation with discovery learning to our robust secondary curriculum. Units are informed by the Victorian Curriculum and the Capabilities building knowledge and skills each year.
To develop our students as inquirers we identify the knowledge, skills and dispositions needed for our learners to be citizens of the world. Students develop six competencies required for deep learning: character, critical thinking, citizenship, communication, creativity and collaboration. These competencies come through Victorian Curriculum Capabilities of Critical & Creative Thinking, Ethical, Intercultural and Personal & Social.
“Learning about the past enables us the make critical decisions for the future”
Students investigate cultures and societies of the Ancient World and Middle ages time periods. Chronological timelines are created with a focus on continuity and change and the causes and effects of significant events. Students are encouraged to analyse historical sources of evidence, conclude lessons from historical events, and develop and defend possibilities for the future.
“Informed citizens can effectively communicate and are empowered to enact real change”
Students unpack and define their place in Australia’s democracy through learning about government structures, constitutional change and the electoral process. They learn how laws are created, the legal system in Australia and the perspectives and rights of citizens, including our First Nations people and immigrants. By delving into the diverse nature of Australia’s population and exploring the relationship between shared values and cohesion in society, they can move towards explaining the role of individuals in creating a stronger society.
“Being informed about our Earth’s resources, properties and structures allows us to make ethical and responsible decisions for sustainability “
Sharing Water
Study of the world’s water, it’s importance as a resource, it’s pathways and flow and how this impacts on places including balance, scarcity. How humans can use this resource in sustainable ways and why we must.
Settlement and Urbanisation
Study of the factors that impact on perceptions of a place’s liveability, including access to resources, environment and economics, social connectedness and community. How we can enhance the liveability of places for the wider community.
Sharing the Land
Students research and present their findings on a range of landscapes and landform features. They compare and delve deeply into the processes that create different landforms and compare and contrast landforms in different places around the world. They look at human interaction with the land, including our beliefs and perspectives of why, when and how we would protect and take from the Earth. How humans can interact with the land in more sustainable and respectful ways.
Sharing and Enhancing Places and Spaces
Students compare and contrast the urbanisation of places, concentrating on the reasons and effects of migration, urban settlement patterns and consequences of urban concentration, why internal migration occurs and its effects, and the challenging nature of urbanisation for future planning.